Anaesthesia and Rheumatology Added to Intensive Care Medicine Elearning

New sessions on anaesthesia and rheumatology have now been added to our Intensive Care Medicine Course.

The sessions take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete and comprise the following topics:

  • Induction of Anaesthesia in the Critical Care Unit: Part 1
  • Rheumatological Emergencies

The e-Learning for Intensive Care Medicine (e-ICM) programme provides 9 modules of resources (elearning sessions, links to open access review articles, guidelines and multiple-choice questions) covering the syllabus for training in intensive care medicine.

The resources will benefit anyone caring for critically ill patients as well as trainees in intensive care medicine. 

e-ICM has been developed by NHS England elearning for healthcare and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. To learn more, please take a look at our Intensive Care Medicine course page.