eIntegrity launches free trial versions of its world-class elearning for healthcare professionals
We’re confident that our healthcare elearning courses are the best available online. The content in each course is written by clinical experts [...]
£45.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Multiple or multi-year licences are available, please contact us for details.
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The Preventing Falls in Hospitals elearing course prepares you to manage the most commonly reported type of patient safety incident in healthcare: falls.
Available to healthcare professionals around the world, the high-quality, interactive Preventing Falls in Hospitals elearing course, is ideal for nurses and junior doctors but relevant for all healthcare professionals interested in falls prevention.
Written by the UK’s Top Clinical Specialists
This online training has been developed in the UK by the Royal College of Physicians and NHS England elearning for healthcare. This course meets the highest training standards and offers a world-class elearning experience.
Made to Fit Your Busy Life
The engaging, interactive content, that’s delivered online, means you can study at home, in work or even on the move.
Plus, the bitesize modules track your progress, so it’s possible to dip in and out of sessions, and allow you to access them in any order, as frequently as you need.
Making this the perfect course to enhance your knowledge and skills even when you have a busy life.