
Our elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) programme supports specialty training in anaesthesia and continuing professional development for doctors, nurses and other anaesthesia practitioners. Written and peer-reviewed by leading clinical experts, this award-winning programme has been developed in the UK by The Royal College of Anaesthetists.

All Irish anaesthesia students given access to e-LA

The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland has given all specialty trainees in the country access to our award-winning elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) programme. This reflects the high regard for this programme in the international anaesthesia community. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

Dedicated training pathways for Swedish anaesthetists

Specialty trainees from Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden are building their skills using our award-winning anaesthesia elearning (e-LA) programme. Sahlgrenska serves as the tertiary referral hospital for residents of the Gothenburg area. Patients from across the region attend the hospital for different specialist treatments. The training team at Sahlgrenska also worked with eIntegrity to develop a dedicated e-LA training pathway for the SFAI Conference. Organised by the Swedish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, this regular event brings together anaesthesia practitioners from across Sweden and internationally. Conference delegates used the e-LA pathway sessions alongside seminars and presentations to build their knowledge. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

Clinical trainees benefit from anaesthesia learning

Clinical trainees at Landspitali University Hospital used our anaesthesia programme (e-LA), following adoption of the UK Acute Care Core Stem (ACCS) curriculum. e-LA proved to be an extremely valuable learning tool, particularly in preparation for the Primary FRCA (Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) examinations. The self-assessment elements of e-LA match the standards of the UK examinations. Trainers at the hospital also used e-LA to support their teaching of the ACCS curriculum. Developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, ACCS is a three-year programme that covers anaesthesia, acute medicine (general internal), emergency medicine and intensive care medicine. It provides an alternative route into anaesthesia and acute medicine instead of core anaesthesia or core medical training. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

elearning Anaesthesia helps clinicians in Tanzania

Anaesthesia residents at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tanzania are benefitting from using elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) thanks to eIntegrity and the Radboud University Medical Center in Holland. Radboud University has used e-LA to support specialty training in Holland for many years. The University has also made this resource available to the KCMC, which is located in one of the poorest parts of the world. The Dutch anaesthetists have been providing both funding and mentoring for their African counterparts. This has significantly strengthened KCMC's learning resources and tools. Ansbert Sweetbert Ndebea, from the KCMC, said: “The programme is helping us to improve our skills and provide better patient care...The content is good and there are lots of videos and animations too. The material is continually updated and the assessments help us to prepare for exams. It’s great that we have access to a top-quality resource that is used internationally.” Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

Universities across Holland adopt elearning Anaesthesia

Seven universities in Holland are using elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) as a training resource. e-LA is complementing traditional teaching methods and providing a revision aid for professional exams for the European diploma and Dutch anaesthesia qualification. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

Nairobi students supported by our anaesthesia learning

Anaesthesia residents at Aga Khan University in Nairobi are using modules from the elearning Anaesthesia programme (e-LA) to support their training. This includes the Fundamentals programme and the exam preparation module. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course

Collaboration With Romanian Anaesthetists

Members of the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine have been given access to our elearning Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Management courses. The courses are being used to support training and continuing professional development. Find out more about our anaesthesia course.